QUESTION: What time does school start and end each day?
ANSWER: Find our daily schedules under "Family Resources" > "Daily Schedule"
QUESTION: What are the school office hours?
ANSWER: Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm
QUESTION: Where can I get a copy of the school calendar?
ANSWER: School calendars are sent home each month. You may also access our most up-to-date calendar under "Family Resources" > "School Calendar"
QUESTION: What is the best way to communicate with my child's teacher?
ANSWER: Your child's teacher will share their preferred methods of communication (phone, email, letters, stop by before/after school, etc...) with you at Back-to-School Night and other parent meetings. You can also call the office (562-789-7100) anytime to be connected with their voicemail or find their email addresses under "About Us" > "Staff."
QUESTION: How can I contact the School Principal?
ANSWER: You may contact our principal, Mrs. Valenzuela, at 562-789-7200 or by email at [email protected]
QUESTION: Is there a Parent Handbook with school information?
ANSWER: Yes, you may access it under "Family Resources" > "Parent/Student Handbook"
QUESTION: What happens when I am late picking up my child?
ANSWER: After 2:45 p.m., students will be waiting by the office. You will need to come into the office to sign your child out. On minimum days, Tuesdays, students will be waiting by the office at 1:45 p.m.
QUESTION: What happens if I am late dropping my child off at school?
ANSWER: If you are bringing your child to school late, you must come into the office and sign your child in for the day. There is a Late Arrival clipboard inside the office that you will need to sign.
QUESTION: What is Aeries Parent Portal?
ANSWER: Aeries Parent Portal is our online system for registering new students and for viewing and updating student demographic information, emergency contact information, and medical history information. Parents may also view standardized test scores via Parent Portal. For more information, please visit www.ewcsd.org/parents.
QUESTION: When does kindergarten registration begin?
ANSWER: Typically, kindergarten registration begins in early February. As the registration window approaches, the date will be determined for the exact date. All registration is done online. You can access the enrollment link under our "Family Resources" > "Enrollment."
QUESTION: What documents are needed to enroll my child at La Colima School?
ANSWER: You will need your child's birth certificate, current immunization records, and three (3) main utility bills with your name and address.
QUESTION: Who do I contact about attending La Colima School if we do not live in the attendance area?
ANSWER: You may contact Vivian Alonzo in our Permits Department at 562-907-5931 or by email at [email protected] to apply for a permit (inter/intra). Permits are accepted based on grade level availability according to board policy.
QUESTION: Are there before and/or after-school programs offered at La Colima School?
ANSWER: Options Surround Care offers before and after-school child care. Please contact Options directly at 626-284-9935 for enrollment and fee information. Boys and Girls Club is our on-site after-school program available at no-cost. For more information, please contact the Boys & Girls Club directly at 562-561-6327 for availability and enrollment information.
QUESTION: Do you offer programs for parents?
ANSWER: Yes, we have a Parent Participation Preschool (Mommy and Me) and various parent workshops throughout the year. Please contact Maria Torres at 562-789-7156 or by email at [email protected] for availability and more information. You may also contact your child's teacher about grade-level specific parent education opportunities.
QUESTION: Where can I find information about the nutrition services program (breakfast & lunch) at La Colima?
ANSWER: Click here for online access to the Nutrition Services Department to view school menus, meal prices, etc.
QUESTION: Who can I contact if I need family assistance?
ANSWER: You may contact our school counselor, Cecilia Joseph-Palencia, at 562-789-7149 or by email at [email protected]
QUESTION: How can I contact the La Colima PTA?
ANSWER: You may contact our PTA by email at [email protected].